San José City Landmarks

Edwin and Mary Wilcox House
City Landmark #
1300 Pine Ave.
Architectural Style:
Federal Colonial Revival
William Higgins
A distinctive example of residential Colonial Revival architecture, the Wilcox House is believed to be the work of the local architect William Ernest Higgins, a master architect in San José. It was constructed in 1917 for Edwin A. and Mary S. Wilcox, who lived on the surrounding forty acres of orchard property they called the Ranch. Edwin Wilcox was a prominent San José attorney and an orchardist, actively involved in supporting the rights and interests of the fruit growers. The Wilcoxes lived in the house until Edwin’s death in 1934 and Mary’s death in 1958, after which it was occupied by the Raymond and Esther Grove family from 1960-1968. During the 1960s, a portion of the Ranch property was developed into Wilcox Park, based on the terms of Mary Wilcox’s will.
–Adapted from 2018 DPR form, Krista Van Laan, author