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Help us preserve San Jose’s architectural and cultural heritage by donating today. 

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Support one of these dedicated PAC*SJ funds:  

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Garage Sale Purchases

Buying an item at a PAC*SJ garage sale? Click button below to complete your transaction

Jo Drechsler Legacy Fund 

Jo loved old houses, old buildings, old wood, old stories, old San Jose. You can contribute to the Jo Drechsler Legacy Fund which will be used for projects that exemplify Jo's values.

Joan Bohnett Neighborhood Preservation Fund

Supports the efforts of neighborhood groups in protecting and celebrating their historic character, from pursuing historic district status to developing walking tours and other educational programs.

George Espinola Memorial Fund

George was an accomplished architect, published author, public speaker, avid researcher and friend. This fund is dedicated to preserving his architectural legacy and advancing his educational interests through publications, educational tours, and research projects.

OSH Sign Restoration Fund

Help fund the restoration of the iconic Orchard Supply Hardware (OSH) sign and its reinstallation at History Park.

Clock Tower Fund

The tower on the 1892 San Jose Post Office building (which now houses the San Jose Museum of Art) was a bit more magnificent than it is today. Damaged by the 1906 earthquake, it was only partially restored to its original height.





Checks payable to Preservation Action Council of San Jose may also be sent to: PAC-SJ, History Park, 1650 Senter Road, San Jose, CA 95112. Please indicate if the donation is for one of the specific funds above. PAC*SJ is a 501 c 3 non profit organization and donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.

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