Resources - Preservationists
Local Preservation Societies & Resources
Victorian Preservation Association The VPA is based in San Jose. Find info on local historic buildings and many resources for building restoration.
Hensley Historic District has the largest concentration of Victorian homes left in San Jose, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Find some nice maps, photos, history and events.
Palm Haven Neighborhood Palm Haven is a designated conservation area in San Jose and features many homes from the 1930's and 40's along palm lined streets.
Milpitas Historical Society Read about Milpitas' interesting history and view historic sites.
Mountain View Preservation Alliance The MVPA is a group of citizens dedicated to preserving the buildings and places that represent their community's heritage. A great links page.
Palo Alto Stanford Heritage, PAST supports preservation in the greater Palo Alto-Stanford area.
Santa Clara County's Preservation Program Click on Plans & Programs on the left side bar to read about the Historical Heritage Commission, Heritage Resource Inventory, Historic Zoning Districts, environmental review and economic incentives for structures in the County's jurisdiction.
Victorian Alliance of San Francisco Monthly educational meetings and house tours. Members share expertise on current issues and preservation techniques.
Berkeley Architectural Heritage Association
Dr. Color Bob Buckter is an architectural color consultant based in San Francisco who specializes in paint color selection for historic homes & buildings. He has a "color-by-mail" service allowing you to complete the entire consultation by mail.
California Preservation Resources
California Office of Historic Preservation The main state agency responsible for historic preservation in California and home to the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). Find information on the State Historic Building Code.
California Preservation Foundation CPF holds an annual conference and provides workshops, technical assistance, advocacy and excellent publications.
The Western Regional Office of the NTHP is located in San Francisco. Their newsletter spotlights local preservation issues.
Brandt-Hawley Law Group represents environmentalists and preservationists in litigation using their extensive experience in CEQA and Federal Section 106 requirements. PAC*SJ has employed their services to successfully prevent the demolition of historic buildings in San Jose. 707-938-3908
California State University Reform - The California State Bell is the independent voice for California State University (CSU) historic preservation, reform and restoration.
National Preservation Resources
National Trust for Historic Preservation The foremost organization in the nation concerned with preserving cultural and historic resources within the US.
National Park Service Links to the Past Info on the National Register, preservation programs, national parks and museums, tax incentives and Historic Preservation Officers nationwide.
Save America's Treasures Identifies and rescues enduring symbols of American tradition.
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Provides a forum for influencing Federal activities, programs, and policies as they affect historic resources.
Preservation Links at Cornell An extensive list of preservation resources on the Internet.
SPIRO - UC Berkeley Slide and Photograph Image Retrieval Online is a searchable database of downloadable images for subjects including architectural and urban history, design, city maps and; more.
Old House Web A one-stop shop for old house enthusiasts. Links to Products and Suppliers, How-to Articles, message boards, classifieds, a Bookstore.. Wow! A good source for Victorian restoration and decorating. Links to suppliers of antique and reproduction hardware, plumbing and lighting.
National Trust's Preservation Books
National Main Street Center Bookstore
How to
Guidelines for Exterior Woodwork Helpful guidelines from the the City of New Orleans for repairing exterior woodwork on historic structures.
A Guide to Researching the History of a House A comprehensive set of instructions for researching the history of your home from HomeAdvisor.