Meet PAC*SJ's new Executive Director
We are pleased to announce the selection of the new Executive Director of Preservation Action Council of San Jose (PAC*SJ). Ben Leech has been highly recommended for his strength in advocacy, a particularly important talent in present-day San Jose.
His fascination with history and with architecture took him to a career in historic preservation. His wife’s move to a new job in Silicon Valley brought him here. This magical combination led Ben Leech to PAC*SJ.
Ben is a historic preservation planner and architectural historian with more than 12 years of professional experience working for and collaborating with non-profit organizations, community groups, property owners, and governmental agencies to document and preserve the historic built environment.
A graduate of Reed College, he earned a Master of Science degree in Historic Preservation from the School of Art Institute of Chicago. He served as the Director of Advocacy for the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia, and as an adjunct instructor in historic preservation and architectural history at a number of colleges and universities.
He has authored more than three dozen historic resource reports to protect a wide variety of architectural and cultural landmarks, from 18th-century farmhouses to 19th-century social halls to 20th-century supermarkets. He is a past board member of several preservation organizations. An accomplished artist and illustrator, he is also the founder and principal of Archivolt Press, a small independent publisher of architectural ephemera.
The PAC*SJ Board of Directors is happy to introduce Ben and looks forward to opportunities for all preservation enthusiasts to meet him.
He can be reached via or at 408-998-8105.
Welcome Ben!
André LuthardPresident of the Board of Directors.