Digital Billboards in
San Jose?
San Jose City Council has voted unanimously to suspend further consideration of new digital billboards on private property-- a huge win for San Jose residents and the broad coalition of community and environmental organizations that rallied to oppose the plan. Thank you to those who wrote letters, signed petitions, and spoke at public meetings!
The city of San Jose is considering amendments to its sign code to allow animated digital billboards along freeways, building-mounted digital signs downtown and in North San Jose, and digital advertising on bus shelters and other street furniture citywide. These amendments would reverse a 35-year ban on new billboards in the city, with potentially dire impacts on the public realm, historic structures, residential neighborhoods, and public safety.
PAC*SJ supports the current billboard ban and fears that a proliferation of new digital signage would create dangerous driving conditions, serious disruptions to wildlife, increased light pollution and decreased property values for adjacent residents. We are also concerned that a proposed "Downtown Sign Intensification District" lacks necessary protections for historic buildings, which could be physically damaged or visually overwhelmed by the installation of building-mounted digital signs.
These proposed changes are currently undergoing Environmental Impact Review analysis, with a final report expected in September 2020. The proposal will then be considered by the San Jose Planning Commission and City Council in late 2020.
What You Can Do
Add your name to this petition from Scenic America calling for City Council to reject digital billboards in San Jose.
Complete this survey from the City of San Jose asking for public feedback on digital billboards.
Information on public hearings and other opportunities for public comment will be posted on this page as dates are announced. You are also encouraged to contact City Councilmember Raul Peralez, sponsor of the proposed amendments, by email ( or phone (408-535-4903) to voice your opinion.
Billboards in the Vendome neighborhood overwhelm nearby homes.
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