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Help fund the restoration of the iconic Orchard Supply Hardware (OSH) sign. 

The sign needed repair before it mysteriously disappeared in early November 2018.  It was recovered January 17, 2019 with effort from the SJPD, PACSJ and History San Jose.   


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Past PAC*SJ Board member Jo Drechsler passed away Sunday October 22, 2006. Jo loved old houses, old buildings, old wood...

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Buy your limited edition SAN JOSE in neon letters t-shirts now. Each letter represents a significant neon sign still visible in San Jose. Shirts may be ordered from for $25 plus shipping $3 for $28 total. 

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The tower on the 1892 San Jose Post Office building (which now houses the San Jose Museum of Art) was a bit more magnificent than it is...




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General Donations - Pay for Garage Sale items, general donations, etc.

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George Espinola, architect and architectural historian, died suddenly on December 20, 2010 at the age of 49. George was an accomplished architect, published author, public speaker, avid researcher and...

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Please specify what your donation is for in the "Add a note" section or the payment process.


Checks, payable to Preservation Action Council of San Jose, may be sent to: PAC-SJ, History Park, 1650 Senter Road, San Jose, CA 95112. Please indicate which fund the  donation is for: Save the Dancing Pig, Clock Tower,  Jo Drechsler Legacy Fund, or George Espinola Memorial Fund.  PAC*SJ is a 501 c 3 non profit organization and donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.



You can also donate using your credit card by calling (408) 998-8105 or through PayPal.


(Those without Paypal accounts may experience timeouts or other processing problems. 
Also, Paypal will not work reliably in older browsers such as IE 6.)

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